Monday, June 16, 2014

Are You Up For A (Savings) Challenge?

Money Matters Monday KNOWSY Readers, and before I get to today's post, I have to ask the obvious question: Have you watched or are you watching any of the World Cup? If you are a regular reader of my posts, you already know that yes I am! This is definitely shaping up to being an interesting World Cup, with thrills, chills and most definitely spills! The talent from some teams have shown themselves early, the Netherlands comes to mind (I definitely picked them over Spain, but they even did better than I expected). The game between host country Brazil against Croatia was closer than Brazil probably wanted, as well as Italy against England. Of course, my own homeland of Argentina played a very defensive minded first half (slowing down the pace), but making some changes in the second half to finally see Messi score! (only his second goal in World Cup play, but hopefully not his last!) ;)  Did any of you folks get a chance to see today's game between Ghana and the USA? I think that game literally had the three things I mentioned all in one game: Thrills, Chills and Spills!!
Lastly, still on the sport side of conversation, I have to congratulate the San Antonio Spurs (with fellow Argentine Manu Ginobili) on winning another NBA Finals Championship. Way to go!!
Now onto today's post, if you look back at the topics I tend to choose for Mondays, they tend to be more focused on Money Matters, today is no exception, however, this time there is a little bit of a twist and involves you fine folks to do your part (if you choose to accept a challenge) and see just how much you may save in a particular category. This challenge comes via one of my favorite sites: So go ahead and give it a try!



Saving up for that dream vacation? Setting aside money for your children's college education? Choose the challenge that matches your savings goal and then set your specific goals.
View Challenges »

Make a PLAN and track your progress

Creating a plan is simple. Just choose from a set of fun, creative daily savings tasks. Then, track the dollars you've saved by checking off your completed tasks each day, on the web or on your phone.

Get SUPPORT from a community

See what tasks savers are doing and who has reached their goals and get inspired. Plus, learn valuable savings tips and advice from our blog.

Achieve and share your SUCCESS

As saving becomes a part of your daily life, you'll see your savings add up. When you reach your goal, share your savings story and encourage others to accomplish their own goals.

Very good my KNOWSY Readers, did you pick a challenge? Great, if you did, please let me (and your fellow Readers) know how it went, if you followed through on the different tasks that is asked of you and most especially How much you actually saved!

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