Friday, March 20, 2015

Be Happy Today! Tips To Celebrate International Happiness Day + Bonus Video

Friendly Friday KNOWSY Readers, it seems as though it has been awhile since I have written a post. I actually have been under the weather (no pun intended), especially for those of us in the Northeast who were looking forward to #Spring starting tomorrow and hoping the #weather would finally start to cooperate, as generally been the case it is sporadic here, today we are under a Winter Storm Watch expecting 3 -5 inches of #SNOW ! Let's just say it, we are all  DONE WITH WINTER!! Now with that out of the way, on to today's post, have you heard or did you know Today is #InternationalHappinessDay ? Are you doing anything special to mark this event? I think it is nice that a day was created to promote this sentiment, to help you or should I say inspire you to get in the spirit I found this article from the written by Randy Taran.
To first get you in the mood, yes I have to add the #video of the #song #Happy by Pharrell Williams.  Enjoy, or should I say Be Happy!!    

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Unknown said...

Hi Maria-Victoria,

Great post with solid information that's referenced to authority sites.

We have much in common... How bout doing a guest post for me?

Only you have time & the inclination, of course ;)

Joy Healey said...

Hi Maria-Victoria,

Great post and easy to remember tips using the days of the week.

On International Happiness Day my car passed its MoT (an annual health check for cars that can sometimes result in big bills - so I was very happy.

And a very "worthy" news program I listen to each morning on BBC Radio 4 celebrated the week by signing off with "happy music" instead of their usual signature tune. It really got the day of to a better start.


Jan Kearney said...

Great tips for encouraging, becoming and maintaining happiness! I love the way you've given a different focus for each day of the week and backed them up with research.

I hope you had a very happy Happiness Day!