Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Have You Heard About Random Acts Of Kindness Week 2016? Part 3 Day 3

Thoughtful Tuesday KNOWSY Readers, is everyone feeling happy and rested after this long holiday weekend? I presume so for those of you who actually were able to celebrate both Valentine's Day and President's Day!
Now for those who are regular readers of my blog, you probably know that this week will be a little different from my normal posts which primarily focus on ways to Save and when possible Make Money
This week I will be sharing tips/ideas to help spread kindness to promote the International Event known as Random Acts Of Kindness Week 2016. I included the link to this site on the first day of the event 2/14/16, when you visit that site you will see a list of 50 ideas which you can choose from, I will be adding a few of them in my blog for each day of this event! Here is the next group of tips:

16. Leave a note on someone’s car telling them how awesome they parked.
17. Try to make sure every person in a group conversation feels included.
18. Write a kind message on your mirror with a dry erase marker for yourself, your significant other or a family member.
19. Place a positive body image notes in jean pockets at a department store.
20. Smile at five strangers.
21. Set an alarm on your phone to go off at three different times during the day. In those moments, do something kind for someone else.
22. Send a gratitude email to a coworker who deserves more recognition.

Now then my KNOWSY Readers, have you been doing your part this week? Do you have any other suggestions you wish to share with the other readers? If so, please do add them in the comments.

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