For today's post I am bringing another article from my newest recommended site: written by Kyle Taylor. I presume that if you are responsible for the grocery shopping, either just for yourself or for a large family this is one of the top priorities especially in a tight economy!
Check Out My Grocery Haul — and How I Got It All for Under $5!
Ooh… this was a fun shopping trip!
I know a lot of you don’t think it’s possible to get free — or almost free — groceries. Or you assume it takes too much time. I’m going to show you not only that it’s possible, but also how I did it without clipping coupons for six hours every day.
I’ll show you my haul in a minute, but first, let’s look at how to make it happen.
Step 1: Sign Up for Coupons by Email
The first thing I did was subscribe to a few of the top coupon sites, so I’d have a never-ending supply of coupons.
This step is pretty quick — just enter an email address. If you’re concerned about overloading your inbox, do what I did:Set up a separate email address just for couponing.
Join the Pillsbury email list and they’ll instantly send you a ton of coupons that you can use to get nearly free crescent rolls, biscuits, and more…
Give Betty Crocker your email address and they’ll send you more than $250 worth of coupons that can help you get free and deeply discounted canned goods, cereal, and yogurt.
Kellogg’s Family Rewards
Do you know about the Kellogg’s Reward program? It takes about 15 seconds to sign up and once you do, they’ll mail you some high-value coupons that you can use on cereal and more.
This company has tons of coupons you can print, plus they’ll give you $0.10 for each one that you redeem in the store.
Save up to $75 each week at the grocery store with their printable coupons, online coupon codes and local deals.
Step 2: Download the Rebate Apps
Combining coupons with rebates is a big key to getting things for free. To discover rebates before you shop and get the cash back after your purchase, download these rebate apps:
With Ibotta, you unlock rebates by completing simple tasks on the app before you shop at 151 supported stores. Then scan the item’s barcode and submit a photo of your receipt to the app, and you’ll see the cash in your Ibotta account within 48 hours.
Checkout51 updates with a new list of offers every week. You purchase them, upload a photo of your receipt to the app and they send you the money from the rebate.
Step 3. Stack Deals Using a Coupon Matchup Site
Every store has their own policy regarding coupons. Get familiar with yours, because it could save you tons of money.
Many stores allow you to apply multiple discounts to one item — called “stacking” in the coupon world. This is the real secret to turning everyday discounts into a totally free meal.
For many of these items, I was able to stack a competitor’s coupon (paid for by a competing store) or a manufacturer’s coupon (paid for by the company who produces the item) with the discount the store was already advertising — bringing the price as low as $0.00.
Of course, keeping track of every deal available for the items you want to buy is an enormous challenge!
That’s why I follow coupon matchup sites like Southern Savers, Living Rich With Coupons and Coupon Mom.
These sites list the weekly ads from major grocery stores, and tell you where to find matching coupons and rebates.
And you can always stack a rebate on top of a coupon. You can even stack multiple rebates — just use the apps listed above to find them all.
Step 4: Put It Into Action — Here’s How I Got a Bag of Groceries for Under $5.00
My cashier was shocked to see what I pulled off. The originaltotal for my 19 items before I used any coupons was $49.91.
Thankfully, I know better than to pay full price.
- I found 12 deals through ads at coupon matchup sites
- I used 10 manufacturer coupons totaling $13.00
- I used 1 store coupon totaling $2.00
That brought my total in the store down to $14.90 — already a great deal, right?
Not good enough, though.
When I got home, I whipped out my Ibotta app to scan my items and take a picture of my receipt. It took about two minutes and scored me another $6 in rebates! I also had a $5 paper rebate for the Nyquil.
All totaled up … I only spent $3.90!
Pretty cool, right?
Your Turn: What’s the best haul you’ve ever gotten from the grocery store?
Disclosure: We have a serious Taco Bell addiction around here. The affiliate links in this post help us order off the dollar menu. Thanks for your support!
A good idea but as i'm based in the uk not really relevant to me
Thank you Mike for your comment, and yes, I do understand that this will be of more interest to those based here in the United States, however, at least with the company I am affiliated with: SavingStar (signup is Free)I believe that more than one of the companies associated in their savings program do have stores worldwide PLUS many of these (if not all!)have an online presence which so many shoppers are now accustomed to using for their shopping needs. Just a suggestion!
Neat. Just shows you what can be achieved with a little effort. I'm also outside the USA and Coupon's are not that freely available in S.Africa. If you get them, they are pretty restrictive too.
A lot of people are looking for ways to make money online, but few consider the importance of saving what you already have or using it more wisely...
Hello Duane and thank you for your comment, South Africa! Wow, that is amazing, I have to say the internet is truly something to think that so many people from all over the world have the ability to connect so quickly and hopefully engage with each other on a positive level!
Also you are correct, Saving Money is just as important as making money and I try to share those types of tips on the different social media platforms I am in. For example I have over 90 Boards! on Pinterest and they cover an array of topics from DIY (Do it Yourself)to Home and Garden to Natural Remedies to FYI (For Your Information), just to name a few you should be able to visit it by clicking my widget located on the top right hand side of my blog where you see the Your A-Z Personality T-shirts board click it, yes you'll go to that board first but from there you can check out my other boards! Thank you again for your comment it is much appreciated!
These were some great tips. I've watched a couple of TLC coupon programs, and it amazes me how you can reduce your grocery bill so dramatically. Unfortunately, the coupon and rebate program has not caught up in Kenya where I live. It was still a great post to read.
Thank you Davina for your comment! First South Africa, now Kenya, my my, as I mentioned in my previous comment it is amazing to me the reach one post has worldwide! If per chance you read an earlier comment I made and my suggestion in signing up with the company I am affiliated with SavingStar (signup is Free!)you will notice the companies (many of which are/becoming international)and all have online presence I would presume if you make a purchase and then notify SavingStar many times you do not even have to notify once you add whatever reward card programs,you may already be a member with, if it is in the SavingStar program it will be in your account information when you sign up and it will be added on/credited and you will receive an email notification. Once you begin to make purchases the savings begin to accumulate and you can then choose how you wish your payout to be rewarded, there are new options with different companies or you can have it paid via PayPal. You can at least give it a look and ask any of your questions directly to them about international members. Thank you again for your comment!
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