This event was created to help raise funds to fight hunger here in the U.S., similar to the events done previously with the USA for Africa, to give aid to end hunger on that continent.
A while back I was going through some old photos and came across this one of my best friend (my "sister" Priscilla, whom I've known since First Grade!) and myself (I am the one with the shades on, So Cool!), right before the event actually started. Without question this was one of the Most Amazing events I have ever taken part in, New York City, a gorgeous Spring day, Memorial Day weekend, and for us Argentines it commemorated our Declaration of Independence (May 25, 1810). It was truly an incredible day on so many levels!
Next you will see that photo as well as additional photos I have taken today, including within an informational letter I had received, my official place in line: West 50th St. and 12th Ave., plus the brochure which came in that mailing.
My previous posts were with the hope of garnering support for a 30th. Anniversary Celebration of that historic event, ideally on the same date this year May 25, 2016 (today) or possibly the Memorial Day Weekend (Saturday May 28 or Sunday May 29). Sadly, this did not come to pass and all I can do is share it via my blog in remembrance
One of my fondest memories was everyone holding hands, perfect strangers, no thoughts about Race/Religion/Politics, it was People Coming Together in support of a Good Cause. During those 15 minutes we sang three different songs, two of which I have included their respective videos.
Here is the Official Hands Across America Video, which includes the song written especially for the event, not as well known as "We Are The World" but still very inspiring.
The next and more well known song was the famous song written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie: We Are The World. I have a copy of this 12" Single and took photos of it, definitely Read the Lyrics! Below those photos you will see the video, Enjoy!
The final photo I am including is a selfie, YES, I still have that t-shirt and it still "fits"!?! Sort of!!
Very good my KNOWSY Readers, I hope you liked this walk down memory lane and the videos I included (strictly for your listening/viewing pleasure). Quick question: Did any of my KNOWSY Readers take part in this event? If so, where were you? Do you still have your t-shirt?
Always good to take a walk down memory lane, for me the thing that jumps out of this post is our ability to change things when we all come together
Thank you Mike Gardner for your comment, it is much appreciated! As I said in the post, I definitely would have liked another opportunity for this nation to come together, both to give aid to a worthy cause (to help fight hunger, which sadly still exists all over the world, not just in this nation) but also as members of the human race whose lives on this planet are very short lived, giving us "food for thought" so to speak, as to what truly matters in life.
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