Monday, May 30, 2016

What Is Memorial Day?

Mindful Monday KNOWSY Readers, today the topic which is present on many of the minds of those who are here in the United States, as well as serving overseas, is the observance of Memorial Day.
This past weekend, all across this nation, most especially in locales where the weather cooperated and the warm Sun shone, the parks and beaches opened to start their Summer season. Family gatherings are a tradition with cookouts full of delicious foods, fun and frolic (yes, I had to add that word, although, not one customarily used these days!).
Many students and workers have the day off plus local, state and federal offices, as well as some businesses are closed. The question is: Why? What is Memorial Day?

Today I did a search on this topic and found several articles and videos about this national holiday, I have chosen to share two separate posts, the first is a video from called History of Memorial Day.


Next up, also from is an article by Barbara Maranzani.

8 Things You May Not Know About Memorial Day



Mike Gardner said...

Nice Post Maria, having served in uniform for some 20 years, I think Memorial Day and Remenbrance Sunday on the Sunday nearest ro Armastice day are so important both for remembering but also for educational purposes of younger generations

Maria-Victoria Orlando said...

Thank you Mike Gardner for your comment. I agree, education is key, especially for the younger set, to keep the memory alive of those who have come and gone.

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